I have met Hamsakkoya in Dubai. He bought an apartment for 99 years lease and settled there. He had faced hardships in childhood back in India long ago. “My parents and great parents were idiots, maintaining loss making agri farm-fields in a village in Kerala. I told them to sell it off – but they refused to do so or come here…”
Then he started teasing India’s underdevelopment. “See, these nations were built in desert – how beautifully they have developed a sustained model?” he said.
I didn’t say anything.
“It’s quite a long time since I visited India – I presume roads are still full of dirt – cow dung and human feces. And the dirty smelling urine everywhere. Indians need to learn cleanliness” he added.
I asked him: “Do you know what Thaliyola is?”
“Yes, the pre-treated leaf of an Asian Palmyra palm. The ancient Hindu scriptures were originally written on dried palm leaves.” Hamsa said.
“Until the introduction of paper, the palm leaves remained as the primary medium for creating, circulating and preserving the data or text…most of such palm leaves books were burned by brutal invaders – but many scriptures like Ayurveda, Yoga sastra etc survived. Have you seen any such Thaliyola?”
“Yes, in my friend’s family house, I have seen it – approx 2500 years old, they claim…”
“However, palm leaves books were used as storage of the data or text for thousands of years. The paper doesn’t have as much sustainability as palm leaves…”
“That’s true – paper will become powder in maximum hundred years…”
“Ok- then our technology introduced floppy disk to keep data and texts…”
“How many years it survived?”
“20 years?”
“Less than that – whatever, next introduction was compact disk and then DVD for text or data storage, how many years did it survive?”
“Few years only…”
“Hmm, so who had the technology of sustainability? We, in this generation or our ancestors? Thaliyola has no environmental hazards the way CDs and DVDs have”
He didn’t have an answer.
“Now the entire data and text are stored in private or public clouds – and they spend huge amount on security too…but any invaders (today hackers) can destroy it any moment, even back-ups…so how can you tell it is more secure or sustainable than old methods…”
“Modern science is amazing, I am a science student. But our ancestors had a different science for sustainable model of way of life, without disturbing the eco-system…”
Our ancient books unveil how a fully sustainable society has existed in ancient times. They had profound and direct knowledge of the nature and human experience that is most essential for creating a sustainable society. Our Vedic Science provides a theoretical framework of understanding and also practical techniques for the repeatable testing of its theories.
“There was a fully sustainable society in which each individual acted in a fully sustainable way – we called it dharma. It was founded upon the wisdom of aligning individual consciousness with pure consciousness.
There was a common spirit of responsibility in man along with a
sustainable relationship with Earth’s ecosphere. The sustainable patterns of behavior are based on the level of physiology and pure consciousness…” Kautilya’s Arthshashtra also established the principles of sustainability centuries ago.
“Had we followed that science, the ecology would have moved sustainably and present, but future generations could also enjoy nature in its original vigor…And what your so-called developed countries contributed to the human life and nature, Mr. Hamsakkoya?” I asked.
“Highly disciplined, modern life style…”
“Go tell it to birds…”I told him: “The biggest contribution of these countries are petroleum and its products and plastics…tell me, how much it did contribute to humanity and earth?”
It took a minute before his response: “I understand- it destroyed our mother earth…”
“Hamsa, cow dung and human feces do not harm the earth the way your ‘clean’ plastic does. All the human, animal and plant manure or wastes would suffice to nourish the world. The cow is an excellent example of sustainable way of life for human – that’s why your parents and ancestors domesticated it. And the artificial perfumes that you use are more harmful for your body and mind than the smell of urine…”
“Uday, you mean to say, we have to follow the life style of ancient, old generation? Come on yaar” he asked.
“No – We can take a cue from them. There were lots of practices that are not applicable today. And there were lot of superstitions among them. But I found that even some superstitions are scientifically accurate…”
In my childhood, I heard an old woman (around 90 years) advising her great grand daughter (who was pregnant then) “don’t play with cat, it will curse you”
“Why” she asked.
“The cat thinks that if a kid is born, it won’t get your attention and love. So it would pray to god that your kid should die…”
The pregnant lady, a scientist then, laughed it off. It is pure superstition – we would say.
And years later, I read an article – toxoplasmosis can be passed from cats onto people and can cause problems in pregnancy! How our ancestors did know such things? They were sharing their life experiences. They observe. They had intuition and more consciousness. When it passed on to generations later, facts got manipulated and superstitions crept in.
Any modern medicine that is available in today’s pharma market will be announced as poison and dangerous after few years. Many medicines that were prescribed 20 years ago, now banned from the market. And, we call it sustainable medicinal system!
“We had generations who follow ‘fix-and-use’ culture. They fix or repair whatever they used and re-use it again and again. Our generation follow “us-and-throw’ culture. That reflects in our life style and even in the family life. Use and throw a spouse is not a sin now…Our ancestors believed in consuming less and sharing more, that’s why the earth is still surviving…The modern civilization is a loaded gun pointed at the head of this planet…” I said.
He didn’t say anything.
“Please go and meet your parents and relatives in the village, Hamsa…”I said: “I know you don’t need them. But they might want to see you.”
I told him an incident. (A forward from unknown source – more than the credibility of source, the message is important here). Indonesia, an Islamic nation, has the images of Lord Ganesh and Lord Vishnu imprinted on the bank currency notes. Few years ago the Prime Minister of Pakistan went there on a state visit. He told the government officials that they should remove the images of Hindu deities from the bank notes.
The president of Indonesia replied: “We have changed our religion, not the father…” I do not know if Hamsakkoya understood the meaning.
Udaylal Pai
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