The angry young woman

“Sir, I am a working woman. I am facing a miserable life condition due to my anger and irritation. I have to cook food for my two school-going children, my husband, and his parents. No one is here to help me in the morning chore. Even the servant woman comes late when I finish all my work. When I am busy in the kitchen my in-laws also get up and ask for coffee. Kids won’t listen to me and not properly organized. My husband also pressurizes me while I work. I leave the house at around 8.30 AM on the company bus. Some male co-workers make an advance to me while traveling and in the office, it’s also totally irritating. My boss is also a mean person, unnecessarily pressurize me. Many times I feel like a pressure cooker about to burst from inside. I am not able to cope up with this. When I read a few articles on your website, I felt like you can help me. Please spend a few minutes addressing this issue, Sir. How to manage my anger and irritation?” a pretty long question from a reader.
It is normal for people to get angry. But if it persists more than 30 seconds, it will turn into a disease.
Our ancestors, especially Krishna, said: “From anger arises delusion, from delusion, comes memory-loss, from loss of memory, the intellect is destroyed. When the intellect destroyed means loss of reason (lack of discrimination) which ruins a person!” (Gita).
Science says anger is a chemical reaction of hormones and neurotransmitters. It triggers increased platelet activation and thrombosis, increases vulnerability to illnesses, compromises the immune system. The results are very dangerous.
(Excerpt from my book “MIND YOUR MIND: Turn Frustration into Fascination” )
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