Cremation Vs Burial. And the National Green Tribunal

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has recently questioned the centuries-old tradition of cremation by Hindus, saying it causes air and water pollution.

Yes, cremation in the open grounds can generate large amounts of ashes, which are later submerged into rivers and water bodies, especially the Ganga River. Still, the developed modern world considers cremation is preferable to burial. Why?

“What’s more natural and environment friendly – burning or burial?”

According to natural law, all creatures die and fall in the surface of earth. There are other creatures in the eco-system to eat the dead body. The remaining part would decay and join the soil. That’s how nature had designed the animal and plant kingdoms in the earth. So, both methods of disposing a dead body – burning and burial – are NOT natural.

“Cremation creates pollution. So Hinduism should adopt burial.”

Some religions use high-powered mike as part of god worship – isn’t that creating sound pollution? You cannot finger one religion when it comes to pollution. Remember, most of the religions pollute the mind by brain-washing you.

“Traditional cremation consumes nearly one tree!”

It was mandatory for a Hindu to plant at least three trees in his/her life time. Burial in a wooden coffin also consumes tree!

“Electric cremation is the best. It is a greenest way of disposing off dead bodies”

Yes, I am all for smokeless electric incinerator. But, it is not the greenest way either. In order to generate that amount of electricity, somewhere additional thermal power needs to be generated or additional dams, nuclear reactors need to be built- there is no “safe” way.”

“Burial is better than cremation. It is natural, less expensive, a ‘neater’ and ‘nicer’ way of disposal.”

If you bury a dead body in soil in a remote area or desert, it is okay. But in a religious ceremony, soil is replaced by barren concrete or stone. Tree is not saved if used for wooden coffin with special wood laminated with metal and other materials. The expense depends on how you decide to bury and what quality of coffin, etc. you use. In most countries, it is very expensive to bury because you have to buy land. There is also ongoing….

(Excerpts from my book: MANTRAS and RITUALS: THE LOGIC OF HINDU SCIENCE. For further reading: ) You may visit Amazon site of your respective country and search “B093Z2M52M”

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Udaylal Pai
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