Are Hindu temples anti-Sanatan Dharma?
Harindran Nair and his friend came to visit me after reading my article on ‘Ancient Hindu temples – Some incredible facts’ ( They were agitated young Hindus who want to form sort of association to protect Hindus and Temples in India. Existing Hindu organizations have gone soft, they say.
“Hari – what’s it that you want to save? Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism, Temples or Hindus?” I asked.
“Brother, our temples have been the center point of Hinduism and all Hindus for thousands of years, so we have to consolidate all Hindus under each temple…”
“Hmmm – I have confusion here. You said all Hindus.”
“Yes – everybody – all castes…” he said, “because we only consider this land as Punyabhoomi (sacred land)”
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Udaylal Pai
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Shri Uday Ji
This article is an eye opener for us who claims to be Hindu. We know nothing about Sanatam Dharma and proudly advertise that we follow Hindu religion. What to say? I thing we are under the influence of Kali yuga and in full ignorance of paramathma lord shri hari that’s why we simply go on with false blames and propaganda of ignorant media, political parties and selfish people. I just hope more and more people gets to read your articles and start following your opinions.
Thank you
“The Untouchables (Dalits) of India want economic, social, political, religious and educational equality in Society, not in the eyes of God.”
(Harbans Lal Badhan)